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New Dream Hypnotherapy is dedicated to helping people achieve their goals and overcome life’s obstacles through the power of hypnosis. Offering personalised sessions for each client, we specialise in helping individuals with difficulties related to:


Sex Therapy

Weight Loss / Management 

​Panic Attacks / Anxiety / Stress-relief 

Stop Smoking

Stop Vaping 

Fear of Flying 

Public Speaking / Wedding Speeches 

Coping with Emotional Trauma

Past Life Regression

Overcoming Driving Test Nerves

Stop Children Thumb-sucking

Confidences / Self-esteem

Anger Management

Motivation and Positive Attitude



We can discuss how many sessions are needed at the initial free consultation.

£60 a session (block booking available at lower rate)


£200 quit smoking in one session - Duration varies


£60 a session (Limited time offer - usually £90)


6 sessions £300 save £60

8 sessions £400 save £80

Buy 6 or 8 sessions together and save money. Some individuals may experience immediate relief of symptoms or a significant change in behaviour after only one or two sessions. For others, it may take several sessions to see changes. The most important aspect to be successful in hypnotherapy is to establish a good relationship with the therapist.

In our experience 6-8 sessions are needed for general weight loss, anxiety, fear and phobias and one session to quit smoking. The number of sessions you need for a lasting effect often depends on you, your mental state and the intensity of change you need to bring to your life.

The amount of sessions needed can be discussed at your initial free consultation.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Our weight loss hypnosis specialist uses a unique gastric band technique to help people lose weight effectively and safely. We our committed to helping our clients reach their weight loss goals and lead healthier lives.

Our gastric band hypnosis is a non-invasive, pain-free way to lose weight without surgery. It works by using hypnosis to reprogram the mind to behave as though a gastric band has been fitted, creating a feeling of fullness after eating a smaller portion of food. With our help, you can achieve the results you desire and get back to living life to the fullest.

Hypnotherapy for Sexual Freedom

We understand that sexual problems cause a great deal of stress and can have a negative impact on relationships. We strive to provide a safe and secure environment for men and women to explore their sexual freedom. 

Our sessions are tailored to each individual and we use the latest hypnotherapy techniques to help clients understand and identify their problems. We are passionate about helping people break free from their inhibitions and enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

Hypnotherapy for Thumb Sucking

We are dedicated to helping children stop thumb sucking in a gentle and effective way. We use the power of storytelling to create an environment where children can change their habits without feeling like they’re being forced to do something against their will.

We believe that a story is the perfect way to engage children and help them imagine a world without thumb sucking. Our stories appeal to children’s imagination and curiosity and help them make the connection between thumb sucking and positive behaviour.

Our Approach

At New Dream Hypnotherapy, we believe in a holistic approach to hypnotherapy. We understand that every individual is unique and has different needs. Therefore, we offer personalised sessions to ensure that each client receives the best care possible. Our approach is centered on promoting personal growth. We understand that hypnotherapy is a deeply personal experience that can help you address issues that you may have been struggling with for years. We believe in providing personalised care and guidance to all of our clients, and we strive to create an environment that is both calming and supportive.

Our Hypnotherapist is here to help you reach your goals and move forward in your life. We are dedicated to helping you find the mental clarity and emotional stability that can lead to a life of peace and fulfilment.


“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.”

                  Theodore Roosevelt

Bringing Therapy Home

Our hypnotherapist works on a home-visit basis, helping you to achieve your desired results from the comfort and relaxation of your own home, without the need to travel to an unfamiliar environment. Daytime, evening and weekend appointments are available in Huddersfield (Kirklees)

Halifax (Calderdale) Wakefield, Batley, Dewsbury and the West Yorkshire area. Appointments outside this area will be subject to an additional travel fee.

Contact New Dream Hypnotherapy and book an appointment today.

"One of the best things about being a hypnotherapist is you get the opportunity to help other people change the quality of their lives." 

                                                                             Simon P. Hewitt

Simon P. Hewitt is a Huddersfield-based hypnotherapist, certified sex therapist, NLP practitioner (Neuro-linguistic Programming), comedy stage hypnotist, and international best-selling author, with over 18 years of hypnosis experience, and a professional healthcare background. Additionally, he has over 20 years of experience working in the medical, surgical and mental health field.

Simon P. Hewitt was born in South Shields, Tyne and Wear.

He has lived in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire for a number of years and graduated from the Wakefield School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, studying under the guidance of The National Council of Hypnotherapy.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques, we believe that every individual has the power to reach their full potential. Our approach is centered around teaching individuals how to tap into their emotional and mental resources, so they can achieve long-lasting changes in all aspects of their lives. We want our clients to unleash their full potential and live the life they've always desired. So whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, increase your self-confidence, or enhance your career prospects, we’re here to help.

Every client will be taught how to use this powerful person-centered therapy technique as part of their treatment plan. 

Simon Hewitt hypnotherapy Huddersfield  West Yorkshire
My Approach
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